A Liberal Dose of Truth and Humor


DPS – Well, for right now, there is just me. Hope to change that at some point in the future.

I’m the 40-ish father of five who has spent his entire professional life working with a combination of the neediest and most inspiring folks in the country. While I will be the first one to tell you that there are many. many folk who take advantage of the system, I will also assure you that depending on the generosity of the 1% to take the place of the assistance that the government gives is not the answer.

Let me put it this way, both because it is absolutely true and because it will sum my stance up pretty well.
Let’s say you’re in charge of an island and you’re prime directive to make sure that no one starves. Of the 100 people on the island, about 80 take care of their own food, the other 20 you feed. Now, as time goes on, it becomes clear that of those 20, about 8 of them are not really incapable of feeding themselves. The other 12 honestly need your help. Now, you really want to stop letting those 8 people take advantage, so, your options are this:

  • You stop feeding all the 20 people, even the ones that truly need the help. Then you pass on that food to the 4 or 5 of the other 80 folks who already have he most food. Why them? Well, they have the most so they must be the most deserving. The you say to those 4 or 5 people, “Give some of this, as much as you see fit, to those 20. No, I’m not sure who is truly deserving and who’s manipulating, but I trust you to do the right thing.


  • You spend some resources to find out exactly which 8 are screwing you and deal with them, continuing to care for the other 12 in kind.

If the first option seems logical to you, congratulations. You’re a republican.

If the second option strikes you as more logical, compassionate, and intelligent, well then… Hello my fellow American.

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