A Liberal Dose of Truth and Humor

About Progressively Real

At some point, if you are a real, curious human, you have to look around at the world.  And in the way that everything you do is filtered, so must be the things you perceive.  They are filtered through your upbringing and the values your parents did or didn’t instill.  Your life experiences come into play, as well as influences from people you know and further, your thoughts about those people.

It is a testament to the diversity of people and life experiences that even people from similar areas and backgrounds can have such a wide variety of perspectives on things.  In no area is this huge propensity for discrepancy more evident than when it comes to politics and people’s views in how this country should be run.

For me, going through the process of inspection and introspection mentioned above, I can only come to the place that I find myself in these days.  After the recent Presidential election season and all that went with it, I have gravitated to the left – more so than I was before – and it feels like the only right place to be.  I know that the certainty that I feel on this is no greater than the certainty that many other feel their convictions, even or especially those who align on the right. Where I hope that the difference lies for me will be in that the logic I will use and the methods in which I want to demonstrate that logic will be, in large part, not what you see from those on the right. This, of course, is the first of many opinions that I will include here, but I plan to buttress those opinions with as much factual evidence as I can.

So yes, this is a “liberal” blog.  Or perhaps a “progressive” or “democratic” blog.  Whatever you call it.  I am pretty sure you could categorize it by saying that my Republican friends will not like it much.

Finally, the one thing that the subject of government, politics, and ideology is always sorely in need of is humor.  There is no real shortage of that, and aside from sharing some reality and some opinion, both from my head and from the world at large, humor will make frequent appearances here.

My only request for you, the reader is this: If you disagree with something that I have posted here, do so while including the following:

  • Facts to back up your position
  • Respectful expression of that disagreement

Thank you, and away we go.

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